Answering Your Questions About Contracting With J.B. Hunt

At J.B. Hunt, we know just how important it is to be resilient in ever-changing market conditions. And we understand that for many owner operators, it’s important to contract with a company that understands the challenges and benefits that come with working in the transportation industry.
As an industry leader, we believe we have some unique insights into the kind of discounts and advantages that many owner operators look for when choosing a company to contract with. Keep reading to find answers to some frequently asked questions!
Is J.B. Hunt a good company for owner operators to contract with?
“As an independent contractor, most places you’re a number … But here it’s different, you’re not just a number, especially to the people you work with day to day.”
– Jeff, Owner Operator
Our company founder, Johnnie Bryan Hunt, was a driver who understood the importance of following his dream. Much like Mr. Hunt, owner operators are entrepreneurs, and we believe that this makes J.B. Hunt one of the best companies for owner operators to contract with!
What are the best discounts for owner operators?
“The fuel discount is excellent … you really put that cash back in your pocket. That improves my bottom line immensely. With the amount of fuel that I’m saving, it’s a big bottom line at the end of the year.”
– Charlie, Owner Operator
Owner operators who contract with J.B. Hunt can take advantage of loads of third-party discounts and business advantages. With savings opportunities for fuel, maintenance and so much more, we believe J.B. Hunt has a lot to offer when it comes to your bottom line.
Do owner operators set their own schedule with J.B. Hunt?
“I’m not forced to do anything I don’t want to do. I go where I want to go … Just having the freedom to do what you want to do, when you want to do it, is a saving grace. It’s great.”
– Curly, Owner Operator
Owner operators contracting with J.B. Hunt experience no forced dispatch. In addition, with our Highway Services business unit, owner operators have free access to our load board.
Finding the J.B. Hunt load board is as easy as downloading an app! With the J.B. Hunt DRIVE App, owner operators have access to our load board, communication options, discounts and more. This app is offered as a convenience and is not required to be used by owner operators when contracting with J.B. Hunt.
Why do owner operators contract with J.B. Hunt?
“Some of the things I like about the company is if you tell them you have a goal going on, they’ll rally behind you … I feel like we all have a collective sense of accomplishment.”
– Justin, Owner Operator
As a company founded by a truck driver, drivers will always hold a special place in our hearts. For owner operators who contract with us, that means that in addition to business discounts, they have access to capacity coordinators who work hard to answer questions and offer assistance.
Evan, a J.B. Hunt capacity coordinator, says that being able to make a positive difference for owner operators is the best part of his job.
“By far my favorite part is being able to make a positive difference for somebody,” he said. “And that could be as simple as finding like a little hidden gem of a trailer that was able to help.”
Contract With J.B. Hunt
Ready to learn more about owner operator jobs with J.B. Hunt? We’re waiting to hear from you! Give us a call at 1-866-384-7130 or fill out our short form to get started today.